Picture of Oviedo Presbyterian Church members

Paul Fudge Preaching - Who do You Love More? The Gift or the Giver?

January 5, 2025
Matthew 22:34-40
Genesis 12:1-4

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment."

from Matthew 22:37


Paul Fudge shared the Good News of God's love with us this morning. Paul and his wife Melanie are missionaries to Zimbabwe. They are currently in the States for a couple of months before returning to Africa. They are long-time friends of Leonard Mallot and have preached and spoken about mission work with us before.
Last Sunday, as I greeted Paul and Melanie after worship, Paul mentioned that my sermon about the extraordinary event and gift of Jesus' birth connected with something he had thought a lot about and had shared with the people in Zimbabwe. Paul said he would be very happy to share it with us too.
God gives us a great gift in Jesus. Everybody loves the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life. We talk about them a lot. They are great gifts! But, are we more caught up in the blessings of these gifts or the love of God that led him to give us such gifts.

Here I Am

December 22, 2024
Luke 1:26-38


Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord;
let it be with me according to your word."

from Luke 1:38


When the angel appeared to Mary, saying, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you,” she faced a crisis. The angel’s presence and message deeply disrupted her daily reality. Even those who know about angels will react with fear or panic in such a moment. Mary’s initial struggle was to bridge the gap between theory and reality. She likely believed in angels, but seeing one in front of her was entirely different—much like how trusting God, in theory, differs from making a life-altering decision based on that trust.

May we, like Mary, respond to God in faith, saying, "Here I am."

Worshipping In-Person and Online

We are worshipping in-person at the church, live-streaming to wherever you are, and a recording will be available on YouTube later in the day. We will continue to offer these three ways to join us in worship.

In-Person Worship Begins at 9:30 am!

We are committed to offering worship opportunities for everyone during this time when it may be reasonable for some people to join in public gatherings, and yet still be too great of a risk for others.

  • In-Person: Meeting in-person at the church at 9:30 am, (Fully vaccinated people have the option to not wear a mask. We do ask everyone to remain careful.).
  • Live Video: Live-streaming the service to YouTube. Stream will start around 9:20 am with worship starting at 9:30 am. Don't worry if you join late, you can rewind to the beginning.
  • Recorded Video: Available either immediately or later in the day on YouTube

Please "Subscribe" to our YouTube channel for easiest access to both live and recorded services. Click on the "Subscribe" button at this page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZuJHskSKoLnYRsGTt3clUA/videos?view=0&s...

You can sign up for emails with church news and worship information at the following link : http://eepurl.com/gW5eBj

Welcome to Oviedo Presbyterian Church

We are a family of Christ followers known for our love of Christ, love for one another, and reaching out to those in need. We value authenticity above formality, and honest relationships above token handshakes. We don't pretend to be perfect, and we don't expect that you are either.

If you just want to get lost in the crowd, we may not be the right place for you!

A church is not a building or something you attend, it is something you become a part of. If you want to be more than a number, to love and be loved, to grow in your faith, and to share your gifts and talents, we invite you to check us out.

Whether you are a seasoned saint or a questioning seeker, there is a place for you.

Our Sunday morning worship has a touch of tradition but without being stuffy. We worship in new songs of praise as well as hymns that have withstood the test of time. We preach and teach the Word of God in honest ways that connect with real life and real people. Like God’s love, we minister across the generations, rather than targeting just one. We believe that worship is something that we participate in rather than just watch.

Some of our older members dress in suits or dresses while some of the youth wear jeans. If you wear something "corporate casual" you'll fit right in. Who you are is more important that what you wear! Come as you are, we do!