Christmas Eve Worship, December 24, 2020
Christmas Eve
God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him.
Like the shepherds, let us go an see the Christ-child that God has given.
Our worship service tells the story of God's great expression of love through, song, scripture and the sacrament of communion.
Please consider gathering communion elements from your home for communion such as bread, crackers, water, juice or wine and a candle to light later in the service.
Scripture passages for this Sunday:
* Isaiah 9:27-
* Luke 1:26-38
* Luke 2:1-7
* Luke 2:8-20
We are very grateful to all who contribute to these services.
Please share them with your friends and families.
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Music performed under CCLI License No. 11123016 which includes streaming permissions
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