

September 15, 2024
Philippians 4:8-9


Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy, think about such things.

from Philippians 4:8


A small country church near where I lived in South Carolina had a sign out front with messages they would occasionally change.

Only one message sticks with me:

“Of course, we are closed-minded;
otherwise, the devil will put garbage in.”

The sign may have had the right motive but it missed the point. What is more important, closing our minds or seeking things that are good?

I know that this may sound weird, but stay with me. God doesn’t want you to avoid sin. God’s great desire is for our hearts and lives to be so full of his love that the things that once tempted us no longer do.

We are invited into a new existence filled with all God has to offer. Not a life struggling to be “good enough, " not even a life of avoiding sin. But life with Jesus in charge, directing our lives, opening our eyes, hearts, and lives to his way rather than our own.