More than Expected
April 21, 2024
Luke 24:36b-49
Jesus himself stood among them
and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
They were startled and terrified
and thought that they were seeing a ghost.
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Many things catch us by surprise, not because they are unbelievable, but because we are not expecting them. Jesus' resurrection was no exception. Despite Jesus telling them what would happen, his disciples and the women were surprised, confused, and even scared when the risen Jesus appeared to them.
Knowing they could not do what needed to be done, Jesus' followers also expected Jesus to do the big work. Instead, Jesus gives them the job of continuing what he has begun. They are not left alone, however. Jesus tells them to wait in Jerusalem to be clothed in God's unlimited power rather than relying on their own weakness.
Those gathered in that room looked for their own explanation for seeing Jesus instead of Jesus, the Messiah, fulfilling God’s promises and plans.