Sermon July 25, 2021

Sermon July 25, 2021

Now I See It!

And by faith in his name, his name itself has made this man strong,
whom you see and know; and the faith that is through
Jesus has given him this perfect health in the presence of all of you.

Acts 3:16

Sermon July 25, 2021

In faith, as in life, we not only need accurate information, but must also know what it means.

The people in Jerusalem who watched Peter and John heal the lame man in Jesus' name came to a number of faulty conclusions. Seeing this healing, they thought Peter and John had healed them, something Peter quickly credited to Jesus. Prior to this, the crowds in Jerusalem had cried for Jesus to be crucified, not comprehending who Jesus truly was. The crowds were used to the ordinary, not the extraordinary power of God.

Peter calls for them to repent, to have a change of heart and faith, their sins to be wiped out, and enter into a time of refreshment that comes from the presence of Jesus.

Scripture: Acts 3:11-21, 26