Starts with a Single Step

Starts with a Single Step

Matthew 6:5-16
June 18, 2023


And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

from Matthew 6:13


"The devil made me do it!" Flip Wilson as Geraldine Jones would explain about buying an expensive new dress. She blames the devil for leading her to the store, forcing her through the door, to the rack where she found the dress, and making her buy it.

We've all been there, facing the final line between resisting and succumbing to temptation. Momentum and impulse carry us toward that sin. We're standing at that line because we already took a lot of steps to get there.

Sin starts as we take the first step off the path God places before us - when we pay more attention to what we ought to avoid rather than what we truly need.

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