Sunday Worship April 19, 2020
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”
On the Sunday after Easter we remember that even Jesus closest followers expected Jesus to remain in the tomb, rather than be raised from the dead. The word of others who believed was not sufficient, they had to encounter Jesus themselves. Having seen and believed that God raised Jesus from the dead, they became bold witnesses of the risen Christ.
This worship service is through the combined efforts of Hope Presbyterian Church at Lake Nona and Oviedo Presbyterian Church. We are very grateful to the many people that contributed to it.
"Christ the Lord is Risen Today" Public Domain
"Lead Me to the Cross" by Brooke Ligertwood (c) Capital Christian Music
"They Will Know we are Christians" by Peter Scholtes (c) 1966 F.E.L. Publications.
Assigned 1991 Lorenz Publishing Company (Admin. by Lorenz Corporation)
Music performed under CCLI License #11123016 which includes streaming permissions