Sunday Worship, April 26, 2020

Sunday Worship, April 26, 2020

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”

Jesus was raised from the dead and on the loose. He appeared behind locked doors to fearful followers, he called by name the one who doubted, bringing recognition. A couple days later, Jesus joins two people who had been in Jerusalem, who had heard about Jesus' resurrection, and were trying to figure it out on their way back home. Not knowing it was Jesus, they invited their fellow traveler to spend the night. Sitting down to supper, Jesus blessed the bread, broke it, and their eyes were opened and they recognized the risen Lord.

The risen Lord continue to seek us, as even as we might hide in fear. Whether in extraordinary or ordinary circumstances, he calls us by name, revealing himself as the risen lord.

This worship service is through the combined efforts of Hope Presbyterian Church at Lake Nona and Oviedo Presbyterian Church. We are very grateful to all who contribute to these services.

Please share them with your friends and families.

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"Because He Lives" William and Gloria Gaither (c) Capital Music Group
"What a Beautiful Name" by Ben Fielding and Brooke Ligertwood (c) 20616, Hillsong Publishing
"They Will Know we are Christians" by Peter Scholtes (c) 1966 F.E.L. Publications.
Assigned 1991 Lorenz Publishing Company (Admin. by Lorenz Corporation)
Music performed under CCLI License #11123016 which includes streaming permissions