Worship May 16, 2021

Worship May 16, 2021

Hungering for God

Like newborn infants,
long for the pure, spiritual milk,
so that by it you may grow into salvation.  

1 Peter 2:2

Jump to Scripture and Sermon: https://youtu.be/u2museO72PU?t=807

Children bear a resemblance to their parents. Eyes, hair, mouth, height, and many other traits each carry little links to the people whose DNA shapes us. Similarly, our attitudes are influenced by the people we spend time with.

In what way do you, who you are and they way you live, resemble your Heavenly Father and are shaped by the time you spend following Jesus?

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:23-2:6

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Music performed under CCLI License No. 11123016 and 1775778 which includes streaming permissions

  • "All Who are Thirsty" by Brenton Brown & Glenn Robertson, 1998 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire)
  • "In His Time" by Diane Ball © 1978 Maranatha! Music (ASCAP)/CCCM Music (ASCAP)(both admin. by Music Services).